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​On-Going Classes

Axis Syllabus

Fridays 10-12 – Finnish Brotherhood Hall, Berkeley

Axis Syllabus is....

Upcoming Workshops and Classes

August 21-23. Santa Cruz

Contact Improv: Dancing at the Edges.

Our skin develops from the same embryological tissue as our nervous system. Our protective outer barrier and our most intimate inner systems are inextricably linked. This workshop will explore how contact through our edges touches our depths. We meet the world at the edges of ourselves. In permaculture, the edges, where two ecosystems meet, are said to be the site of the most biodiversity. How do we create more fertile surface area? How do we extend our edges without losing our depth? How do we invite ourselves to be changed through the friction, resistance, and joining of our edges with another? Come dance and play with your edges!


September 12-13

Physics of Contact: Loading Docks

co-taught with Sebastian Grubb

Finnish Brotherhood Hall, Berkeley

Santa Cruz Axis Workshop Dates TBA


September 27

Composing Decomposing


October 4-6

Global Stilt Congress Arcosanti, Arizona



Portland Axis Syllabus Workshop Dates TBA


December 8-20

Israeli Contact Festival

Available Workshops

Descriptions coming soon...

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